The role of clothing in participation of persons with a physical disability: a scoping review protocol
Suitability of Designed Functional Garments for Visually Impaired
Body Image Wıth And Wıthout Acquıred Mobılıty Dısabılıty And Influence Of Physıcal Actıvıty On It 2011
Body Image and Its Association With Self-esteem Among Amputation Cases at Prosthetics Center in Hilla City, Iraq 2022
Digital methods in the development of adaptive clothing for people with disabilities 2023
Clothing Custom Design: Qualitative and Anthropometric Data Collection of a Person with Multiple Sclerosis 2016
Limitations In The Design And Development Of The Apparel Needs Of The Physically Challenged: A Case Study Of Wheel Chair Users From Selected Institutions In Zimbabwe
The role of clothing in participation of persons with a physical disability: a scoping review protocol
Evolution and Social Necessity Aspects in Functional Clothing Products- 2020
Developing baseline design criteria for people with lower body mobility impairments using inclusive design- 2018
Raising Awareness of the Clothing Trends for People with Intellectual Disabilities- 2021
Further Steps Towards Outdoor Clothing for People with Disabilities to Enjoy Sport
Designing of casual wear for wheelchair users - 2022
Perceptions of functional clothing by able-bodied people: the other side- 1987
Adaptive Clothing for Females with Arthritis Impairment - 2012
Fashioning Identity: Inclusive Clothing Design and Spinal Cord Injury - 2017
Ergonomic clothing design for care-dependent elderly women- 2019
Insights on the apparel needs and limitations for athletes with disabilities: the design of wheelchair rugby sports-wear- 2018
Mi Piacce Methodology: a pragmatic method used for an analysis of pleasures provided by shoe design that developed for disabled wearers- 2015
Sports-wear in wheelchair rugby: establishing design needs - 2017
3D Digital Methods of Clothing Creation for Disabled People- 2016
Confidence Booster and Career Determination Factor: What Clothing Means to People Living with a Physical Disability- 2017
Insights on the apparel needs and limitations for athletes with disabilities: the design of wheelchair rugby sports-wear- 2018
Clothing Needs for Wheelchair Users: A Systematic Literature Review- 2021
Wardrobe malfunction: Case studies of disability and clothing at the threshold of older adulthood 2019
Designing Functional Clothes for Persons with Locomotor Disabilities - 2014
Disability, the Senses and Apparel: Design Considerations -2016
Assistive Clothing Designs for Mentally Retard - 2017
Design and dementia: A case of garments designed to prevent undressing - 2012
ISSUE 2 • AGE CULTURE HUMANITIES 71 Clothing, Embodied Identity, and Dementia: Maintaining the Self through Dress 1
Nekkid: Examining Disability, identity, and Clothing in Adolescence -2016
Balancing between being a person and being a patient—A qualitative study of wearing patient clothing 2007
Scripting patienthood with patient clothing - 2010
The Development of Adaptive Men's Wear Collection for Physically-Disabled People in Jakarta- 2022
Assistive Clothing Designs for Mentally Retarded- 2017
Functional Clothing for Individuals with Special Needs - 2017